Transfer pricing risk assessment and data analytics

Transfer pricing risk assessment

A transfer pricing risk assessment process is designed to analyse a company's structuring, transfer pricing, and permanent establishment issues and provides a high-level evaluation of their tax audit and dispute positions to identify key risks and formulate action plans to reduce risks.

Data analytics

PwC utilises data analytics technology to understand how the business can drive greater efficiency, improve tax processes, transform business and manage risk. Data analytics takes advantage of available big data to provide insights in audit defence solutions, enable TP planning from execution to building defensible positions and facilitate upgrades to IT systems for continuous improvement.

How we have helped?

  • Provided numerous MNCs with various TP technology solutions that enable automatic financial segmentation, compliance report preparation, TP modeling and data analytics.

Contact us

Jeff Yuan

Jeff Yuan

Tax Markets Leader, Asia Pacific Transfer Pricing Services Leader, US MNC Business Services Group Leader, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 3495

Qisheng Yu

Qisheng Yu

Partner, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 3117

Kevin Tsoi

Kevin Tsoi

Partner, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (20) 3819 2380

Cecilia Lee

Cecilia Lee

Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 5690

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