Continued revenue and margin growth, increased market share and strong enduring brands are the primary goals of most companies today. To achieve these objectives in traditional domestic markets and increasingly in global markets requires a routinely refreshed portfolio of competitive products, services and business models. Increased competition means that portfolios need to be refreshed faster than ever before, allowing the leading companies to get new products and services faster to market and with an optimal blend of incremental, radical and break-through innovation.
We help companies grow. We are typically engaged by executive teams, boards and private equity owners to collaborate with their teams as they improve product, service and business model in China and globally. Our engagements combine diagnostics and benchmarking, the design of new operating models and critically, real practical and hands-on implementation that delivers results. Importantly, client feedback led to Kennedy Research ranking PwC (which acquired PRTM) in 2011 as follows:
Helping our clients define paths to more profitable growth, from core product development to radical business innovation.
Establishing the resources, organisation, processes, metrics and other elements to create incremental and breakthrough innovations.
Helping our clients define winning innovation and product strategies, optimise portfolios and balance roadmaps.
Increasing new product profit growth by increasing development productivity, managing complexity and reducing time to market.
Optimising innovation and R&D footprint for access to markets, ideas, talent, and for cost and tax efficiency.
Helping our clients select and implement optimal product lifecycle management systems and realise rapid ROI.
Through our hard-won implementation projects and thought-leadership studies, we have developed best practice methodologies that help our clients gain agreement on their capability gaps and accelerate the implementation of improvements.
We have 300 Product and Service Innovation practitioner consultants globally which allows us to bring industry-specific expertise and leading-edge practices to our clients from around the world. At any one time, we have 5 to 6 major innovation projects ongoing in China. Together, we’ve delivered over 1,500 innovation transformation engagements.