How can we help?
At PwC, we can help you by:
Outsourcing service
- Providing ongoing access to a PwC Partner/Director who will be respected at senior levels to translate the needs of the Board / Audit Committee into reality, as well as to provide independently robust challenge and insight;
- Implementing a world class Internal Audit methodology;
- Developing meaningful metrics to measure performance and reporting mechanisms tailored to your needs;
- Establishing an optimum resourcing model with access to staff resources with depth and breadth of Internal Audit / industry / geographical coverage as and when required — thus moving from a fixed overhead cost to a variable cost model.
Co-sourcing services
- Providing ongoing access to a team of leading PwC Internal Audit specialists who will advise you on how best to translate the needs of the Board/Audit Committee into reality, whilst providing you with valuable, independent challenge and insight;
- Advice as appropriate on how to implement best practice in relation to Internal Audit methodology, tools and techniques;
- Providing industry knowledge and expertise to deliver a market leading Internal Audit service benchmarked against the best in the world; and
- Providing the best resources to meet your changing needs with unrivalled depth and breadth of Internal Audit, industry, and geographical coverage as and when required.