Digital Intelligence Centre of Excellence

A new engine to boost the digital services

The Digital Intelligence Centre of Excellence is a transformational competency centre that unites our people and technologies in Assurance to maximise the market opportunities around Digital Trust & Risk Services, and help our clients win in the digital, technology, and data age. It concentrates on digital products innovation and incubation based on various use cases and business scenarios to address our clients’ challenges and add value in new ways.

The Digital Intelligence Centre of Excellence aims to increase:

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Relevance to the new market trends, emerging client needs, technological advancement, and digital eco-system.

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Agility to cope with rapid changes, transformation initiatives, and refreshment of the digital talent management.

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Connectivity to other business segments and digital communities within PwC.

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Scalability to empower digital-led business as a central platform for digital skills, products and business partners, and respond to business needs.


Contact us

Charlie Fu

Charlie Fu

China South Digital Trust & Risk Leader, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (755) 8261 8892

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