Internal control consulting

Are you satisfied with your current internal controls framework?

The need to have robust and efficient systems and processes is a prerequisite for good controls governance. As your business grows and matures, the impact of changes on systems and processes can be huge, with the all-too-frequent result that tried-and-tested processes have started to fail. 

A timely review of your processes and controls can help ensure that their design continues to address your needs and risks, and also ensures their efficiency and effectiveness. Indeed most leading countries' corporate governance codes now require boards of companies to annually review their controls and processes across financial, operational, and compliance areas to ensure that they are working adequately. 

How can we help?  

At PwC, we can help you by:
  • Developing strong board and management processes to enable effective governance;
  • Guiding management to develop a clear "tone from the top";
  • Measuring and monitoring your control culture;
  • Ensuring your processes incorporate expected levels of key controls;
  • Documenting your process flows and controls needed to support US SOX, C-SOX and any other relevant regulations;
  • Using IT to provide 24/7 review of key processes to identify issues (i.e. continuous monitoring);
  • Developing monitoring systems to ensure your controls work to support local governance and reporting needs; and
  • Delivering internal controls training to management and staff.

How we have added value for our clients

  • Designed frameworks and processes that enhance controls over key risks across different businesses and locations, helping organisations to run businesses more efficiently and effectively;
  • Shared industry best practices and provided practical guidance on what would be appropriate for individual companies;;
  • Ensured management clearly own all key risks and have effective counter-measures in place; and
  • Improved transparency with respect to risk monitoring and reporting.

Contact us

Jasper Xu

Jasper Xu

Mainland China and Hong Kong Digital Trust & Risk Markets Leader, China Central Digital Trust & Risk Leader, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 3405

Cimi Leung

Cimi Leung

Partner, PwC China

Tel: +[852] 2289 2997

Eric Yeung

Eric Yeung

Mainland China and Hong Kong Internal Audit Lead Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 1953

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