mHealth - Emerging market trailblazers

Patients and doctors in emerging markets are much more likely to use mHealth than those in developed countries — and more payers in emerging markets cover the cost of mHealth than in developed countries.

Why? Existing healthcare is scarce — in many cases, mobile technology is the only (rather than alternative) affordable tool to reach people. The lack of existing infrastructure means fewer entrenched interests, so lower barriers. Change is more welcome.

Emerging markets lead the West in China

  • 59% of patients in emerging markets use mHealth, compared to 35% in developed markets.


Patients' view: Which of the following types of mHealth applications/services would you be interested in using?
  • Doctors and payers in emerging markets are more likely to recommend patients use mHealth solutions than those in developed countries.


What types of services provided via mobile devices has your organisation begun to pay for, and which does it intend to pay for in the next three years?

Contact us

Jia Xu

Jia Xu

Pharma and Healthcare Industry Leader, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 7734

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