Loretta Fong

Loretta Fong

Mainland China and Hong Kong Sustainability Deputy Leader, PwC Hong Kong


  • Loretta Fong is the Sustainability Deputy Leader in Mainland China and Hong Kong.
  • Having been practicing as an assurance partner in Hong Kong for over 15 years, she has extensive experience in providing accounting, audit and transaction advisory services to private and publicly listed entities in Hong Kong and the United States.  
  • Loretta currently holds office of the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA).
  • Her strong international background and knowledge gained via her audit experience has assisted her in fulfilling her duties and responsibilities as a council member and the treasurer of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2019-Present), a board member of the Ocean Park Corporation (2016 - 2022) and a council member of the General Committee of the Federation of the Hong Kong Industries (2019 – 2021), as appointed by the Government. 
  • Loretta holds a number of professional designations including CPA (practicing) Hong Kong (HKICPA), Certified Public Accountant in the United States (CPA (US)), Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA Canada), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), and CICPA (non-practicing) China.

Relevant experience in projects of similar nature

  • Acted as one of the Steering Committee members of the Central Processing Agent for quality assurance for the delivery of the Employment Support Scheme (ESS) for the Government
  • Provides oversight and supervision of HKICPA’s involvement in the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group
  • Oversees the development of protocol between the HKICPA and the Financial Reporting Council as part of the audit profession reform
  • Provided oversight on the transitioning and amendments to CPA registration in view of the audit profession reform
  • Contributed to the issuance of the guidance for ESG Assurance Reporting (AATB5 and 6) and the consultation of Extended External Reporting Assurance issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
  • Overseeing developments of new attractions of Ocean Park
  • Assessing feasibility and making investment decisions as an advisory board member of PolyU’s Entrepreneurial Investment Fund