Jonathan M Chen

Jonathan M Chen

Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Jonathan Chen is a Partner of the Transaction Services Group based in Shanghai. He joined the group in 2004, and spent two years in the PwC New York office, where he was a member of the US National Due Diligence team focusing on the Financial Services industry.

Jonathan has extensive M&A experience in the whole deal continuum, including strategic planning, due diligence execution, negotiation support and post deal integration, that cumulated from over a hundred of transactions in China and the US. The clients he served in the M&A transactions in the Financial Services. He also has assisted a number of global, regional and local PE clients in their investment in China FS sector.

Jonathan has deep involvement in due diligence projects in the China FS sector: in these projects Jonathan assisted a number of domestic and foreign strategic and financial investors in their investment in China national and regional banks, microfinance, guarantee, insurance, securities, leasing, and mutual fund companies.

Jonathan is a Certified Public Accountant in China and received his bachelor degree in international finance.

Contact details

Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 3425



  • Transaction Services